Thursday, 16 January 2025

#ThrowbackThursday. February 2012 Part 2

I've been doing Throwback Thursdays for a while but I noticed that I wrote a lot of reviews in a short time when I first started. One of my blogger friends always posts the reviews of one month but that would be too much. So, these are my reviews from the second part of February 2012.

Brooks, Geraldine "March" - 2006
Who hasn't read "Little Women" and wouldn't mind reading more about the March family. Well, here's your chance.

Allende, Isabel "Island Beneath the Sea" (E: La isla bajo el mar) - 2010
A great description of life on a plantation, first in the Caribbean, later in Louisiana, the life of the slaves and the free, lots of history, an incredibly rich account of the lives people had to lead. 

Pausewang, Gudrun "The Last Children" (GE: Die letzten Kinder von Schewenborn oder … sieht so unsere Zukunft aus?) - 1983
A youth book from the early eighties. When we were in the middle of the Cold War. When our biggest fear was the nuclear bomb. This book shows the worst case scenario.

Pessl, Marisha "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" - 2006
A modern book about teenagers. Granted, not the usual ones. 

Şafak, Elif "The Forty Rules of Love: A Novel of Rumi" - 2001
Two books in one: Ella, an American woman receives a script to be edited. It is about Rumi, a Muslim poet who lived in the 13th century. His poems are world famous.

Faber, Michael "The Fire Gospel" - 2008
A scientist visits a museum in Iraq that was looted. He discovers the "fifth gospel" and finds that it is difficult to share with the modern world.

Read my original reviews, for the links click on the titles.


  1. I'm curious about Special Topics in Calamity Physics. Pessl is an author I've read and enjoyed before, and I think I'd like this one, too.

    1. This was recommended to me by one of our former book club members. She thought I might like it and I did. But I have never read anything else by her. Which one would you recommend, Lark?

    2. Night Film is the one I really liked by her. Here's a link to my review of it:

    3. Thanks, Lark, that's good to know. I will have a look.

  2. You clearly liked March much better than I did. I had to go back and reread my post on the book from 2012 to remember exactly what I thought at the time:

    I just cannot forgive Bronson Alcott for almost starving his family to death, and by the same token, I don't have much use for Mr. March.

    1. Thanks for that link, Jane. I'll have a look.
      I can see your point. He still did a lot for society itself. But yes, family should always come first.

  3. I'm with Jane - I find Bronson so annoying in real life *and* in this book! However, I think Brooks is a very gifted author and I especially enjoyed Horse. My sister is currently reading and liking People of the Book.

    1. Thanks, Constance. I totally agree, she is a great author. People of the book is really fantastic.
