Migraine Books and Links
As a migraine sufferer, I am always interested in finding a solution or at least talk about what might and might not help. A friend of mine put together a list of good books about the subject. I have only read a few of them until now but will add descriptions as soon as I read a new one.
Migraine Quotes:
Diagnosing a migraine involves analyzing the symptoms, conducting medical tests, and eliminating other possible causes of the headache. (Chronic Pain Info)
Migraine is difficult to treat because symptoms are hard to evaluate and can change from one attack to the next. (Migraine Research Foundation)
Migraine related conditions:
1. Prodrome Phase (hours or days before the headache). Irritability. Depression. Euphoria. Fatigue and/or sleepiness. Yawning. Cravings. Stiffness and/or pain in neck. Dizziness. Changes in elimination
2. Aura Phase (minutes to an hour before the headache). Blurred vision. Clouded vision. Tunnel vision. Flashing lights. Dazzling zigzag lights. Eye pain. Numbness and/or tingling (esp. in arms and face). Ringing or roaring in ears. Decreased hearing. Vertigo (imbalance or spinning sensation). Olfactory (smelling) hallucinations. Difficulty finding the right word or words to say. Oversensitivity to being touched
3. Headache Phase. Pulsing, throbbing, or pounding headache. Often on one side only or worse on one side. Can start as a dull ache and get worse. Lasts from a few hours to a few days. Nausea with or without vomiting. Sensitivity to light or sound or both. Pale skin. Prominent blood vessels in temple. Neck stiffness. Vertigo. Tinnitus. Chills and/or Sweating. Difficulty thinking or concentrating
4. Postdrome (lasting up to several days) Impaired thinking. Difficulty concentrating. Less severe head pain. Muscle weakness. Neck stiffness. Fatigue and/or sleepiness. Euphoria. Depression or malaise.
(Heache and Migraine News)
Books about Migraine:
Bernhard, Toni "How to be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers"
Bernstein, Carolyn & McArdle, Elaine "The Migraine Brain: Your Breakthrough Guide to Fewer Headaches, Better Health" (highly recommended)
Brink, Martin "The Migraine Revolution" Scientifi Guide to Effective Treatment and Permanent Headache Relife. What the current regime does not want your brain to know.
Bush, Catherine "Claire's Head"
Bernstein, Carolyn & McArdle, Elaine "The Migraine Brain: Your Breakthrough Guide to Fewer Headaches, Better Health" (highly recommended)
Brink, Martin "The Migraine Revolution" Scientifi Guide to Effective Treatment and Permanent Headache Relife. What the current regime does not want your brain to know.
Bush, Catherine "Claire's Head"
Buchholz, David "Heal Your Headache: The 1-2-3 Program for Taking Charge of Your Pain"
Chino, Allan F., M.D.; Dille Davis, Corinne, Ph.D. "Validate Your Pain!: Exposing the Chronic Pain Cover-Up"
Cowan, Robert "Keeler Migraine Method: A Groundbreaking, Individualized Treatment Program from the Renowned Headache Clinic"
Fontebasso, Dr. Manuela "Migraine and Other Headaches. Answers at your fingertips"
Greenberg, Lynne "The Body Broken: A Memoir"
Cowan, Robert "Keeler Migraine Method: A Groundbreaking, Individualized Treatment Program from the Renowned Headache Clinic"
Fontebasso, Dr. Manuela "Migraine and Other Headaches. Answers at your fingertips"
Greenberg, Lynne "The Body Broken: A Memoir"
Hatak, Kristine "A Guided Tour of Hell - Migraine"
Kamen, Paula "All in My Head: An Epic Quest to Cure an Unrelenting, Totally Unreasonable, and Only Slightly Enlightening Headache"
Levy, Andrew "A Brain Wider Than the Sky: A Migraine Diary"
Levy, Andrew "A Brain Wider Than the Sky: A Migraine Diary"
McCleary, Larry "The Brain Trust Program: A Scientifically Based Three-Part Plan to Improve Memory, Elevate Mood, Enhance Attention, Alleviate Migraine and Menopausal Symptoms, and Boost Mental Energy"
Nicholas, Michael; Molloy, Allan; Beeston, Lee; Tonkin, Lois "Manage Your Pain: Practical and Positive Ways of Adapting to Chronic Pain"
Sacks, Oliver "Migraine"
Nicholas, Michael; Molloy, Allan; Beeston, Lee; Tonkin, Lois "Manage Your Pain: Practical and Positive Ways of Adapting to Chronic Pain"
Sacks, Oliver "Migraine"
Thomas, Pat "Under the Weather - How Weather and Climate Affect Our Health"
Turk, Dennis C. & Winter, Frist "The Pain Survival Guide: How to Reclaim Your Life"
Suggestions for more books about this topic are always welcome.
There are so many websites and blogs about migraines, I try to list a few and will add more over time:
"The Spoon Theory" - someone with a chronic disease explains how it feels to someone who is always healthy.
There are so many websites and blogs about migraines, I try to list a few and will add more over time:
"The Spoon Theory" - someone with a chronic disease explains how it feels to someone who is always healthy.
How to understand someone with Chronic Pain.
About Chronic Migraine. Living half the month with debilitating headaches.
ACHE - American Council for Headache Education
Advanced Migraine Relief
Advanced Migraine Relief and Treatment Center. Transformational Migraine Pain Management.
American Headache & Migraine Association
American Headache Society
American Pain Foundation
Chronic Daily Headaches (Mayo Clinic)
Chronic Migraine Awareness on Tumblr
Chronic Migraine Suide Prevention
Headache Network Canada
International Association for the Study of Pain
International Headache Society
Migraine (Mayo Clinic)
Migraine.com. "Real voices. Expert opinions". A very professional blog, e.g. "Top 10 Myths About Migraine."
Migraine Action. A UK based charity.
Migraine Investigator
Migraine Research Foundation. Dedicated to ending debilitating pain.
Migraine Research Foundation. (on Facebook)
Migraines and Menopause Symptoms
Migraines & Headaches Health Center
Migraine Survival
Migraine Symptoms
Migrainetalk. A forum for those who suffer from migraine. Their Useful links to other Migraine Sites.
My Chronic Migraine.
National Headache Foundation. The world's largest voluntary organization for the support of individuals with headaches.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: What is Migraine
National Migraine Centre UK
National Pain Report
Robbins Headache Clinic
Surviving Chronic Pain
The Migraine Revolution
The Migraine Trust UK. The health and medical research charity for migraine in the United Kingdom.
Treatment and Drugs (Mayo Clinic)
World Health Organization on Headache Disorders.
You Know You Have a Chronic Illness When ...
Brainless Blogger. Written by a chronic migraine sufferer.
Chronic Migraine Warrior. The personal journey of a chronic migraineur.
Elizabeth Swenson's Migraine Support Blog
Fighting Headache Disorders. Not just a good blog. Lots of other links, too.
Letters to Educate Others w. Family Migraine Letter in PDF Format
Living With Chronic Migraines. A list of migraine groups on facebook.
Migraine Monologues
Mind Splitters and other Migraine Fun. A great blog by a lady who knows a lot about this subject.
Migraine: Living in Pain. Another sufferer reports.
Spreading Awareness about Chronic Migraines. Blog by a fellow sufferer.
That M Word: A Migraine Blog
The Daily Headache
The Migraineur's Companion. Thoughts on living with chronic migraine.
3 Big Questions on Migraine Preventive Medications
5 Reasons a Migraine is not "Just a Headache"
5 Types of Headaches
10 Things I Want to Share About Migraines
12 things you should never, ever say to a Chronic Migraineur
18 Signs You're Having a Migraine
22 Things About Migraines You May Not Know
35 Things you should never tell a Chronic Migraine Sufferer
43 surprising headache triggers (they also trigger migraines)
A Letter to my Migraines
American Headache & Migraine Association - Much More Than a Website
An Open Letter to People Without Migraine
Are All Migraines a Genetic Mutation?
A Sleep Gene Has Surprising Role in Migraines
Brainless Blogger: Comparaitve Pain Scale Chart
Can Weather Trigger a Migraine?
Cefaly | Treatment prevention - migraines and headaches
Changes in weather mean migraine attacks for many
Diagnosing Migraine
Diet Tips for Migraine Prevention
Do You Know Your Migraine Triggers?
Epilepsy and migraine 'could have shared genentic link'
Gene search throws up four inherited clues to migraines
Genetic mutation associated with migraines
Goodbye to Migraines
Grandma's Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes
Headache from WiFi? Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Headache Types
Head Agony
Help Make Migraines Visible (ACHE)
How I Manage Living With Migraines
How to Avoid Hurtful Comments to Someone With a Headache or Migraine Disorder
How to Live With a Migraine Sufferer
How to Understand Someone With Chronic Pain
Hypoglycemia and Headaches
I Smell a Migraine
It’s not a migraine unless it is a migraine
Living With Chronic Pain - Explaining Chronic Pain
Living with Migraine Pain: 6 Things to Keep in Mind
Manage Your Food Triggers
MAPPing Migraines: Migraine Attack Plan and Pack
Massage for Migraine
Migraine and Stigma: High Impact
Migraine Can Be Life-Threatening
Migraine in Children and Young People
Migraine Headaches Pictures Slideshow: 14 Non-Drug Treatments for Migraines
Migraine Linked to Menstruation
Migraine Management: The 7 Essentials
Migraines: An Ounce of Prevention…
Migraines Linked To Genetic Regions
Migraines, not really "headaches"
Migraine study 'opens door' to research into a cure
Migraine sufferers many times deal with social stigma as well as pain
Migraines With Neck Pain
Migraine with Aura
More Than Just a Headache: Battling Migraine Stigma
Mother of Two Launches Chronic Migraine Awareness Support Site
New Device Helps Migraine Sufferers MSN News
New Migraine Treatment in a Patch
New theory on cause of migraine
Potential Migraine Phases and Symptoms
Relaxation Techniques for Migraines and Headaches
Robbins Headache Clinic Treating Anxiety
Sharing a Marvellous Blog on the Word Migraine
Sick Building Syndrome May Be Linked To Migraines
Silent Triggers
Suicide and Chronic Migraine
Symptoms and Triggers
Talking to someone with a chronic illness
The Everything Guide to Migraines
Theraspecs - Glasses that block unwanted light to provide immediate and lasting relief
The Impact of Migraine
The Magical Mythical Migraine Pill
There's nothing funny about getting a migraine
The Top Migraine Triggers
Top 10 Brain-Damagine Habits
Understanding & Explaining Chronic Pain Part 1 - The Spoon Theory
Understanding & Explaining Chronic Pain Part 2 - The Flip Flop Theory
Warning of migraine sufferers hooked by addictive painkillers
What Does a Migraine Feel Like?
What Not To Say To Someone In Chronic Pain
When Dizziness is Serious
When food is a headache: Know common triggers for migraine
When memory loss is a sign of 'painless' migraines - and high fliers are most at risk
Word of Mouth - Can dentists cure migraines?
You've got a headache, but what kind and how should you treat it?
Other Pain Articles:
Book raises alarms about alternative medicine
Down but Not Out: Depression and Migraine
Eating More Alkaline Die for Bone Health
Fibro TV - about chronical illness
Depression can be migraine's tipping point
Depression is a common occurrence in a chronic pain condition, and insomnia is quite common in depression. Do you take an antidepressant to help you sleep?
Depression and Migraine
Good Posture Helps Reduce Back Pain
Higher Rates of Migraine Headaches in People With Celiac Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
How depression feels for some people.
If You Know Someone Who's Depressed - What Depression Is Not
MedicineNet - Depression Center
New Medical Explanations for Major Depression
The effects of psychotherapy for adult depression on suicidality and hopelessness: A systematic review and meta-analysis
How to Treat Chonic Migraine Headaches
Migraine with Aura
Podcast - Migraine Step by Step
Migraine Relief Wrap
MigraLens - Helps effectively manae & soothe light sensitive migraine
These products have been recommended by some sufferers, I have not tried them.
Migraine and Art:
Help for Headache and Migraine Poetry Contest 2012
German Sites:
Deutsche Migräne- und Kopfschmerzgesellschaft e.V.
Migräne-Infoseite eines Medikamentenherstellers
Ratgeber Migräne. Informationen für Betroffene und Interessierte
About Chronic Migraine. Living half the month with debilitating headaches.
ACHE - American Council for Headache Education
Advanced Migraine Relief
Advanced Migraine Relief and Treatment Center. Transformational Migraine Pain Management.
American Headache & Migraine Association
American Headache Society
American Pain Foundation
Chronic Daily Headaches (Mayo Clinic)
Chronic Migraine Awareness on Tumblr
Chronic Migraine Suide Prevention
Headache Network Canada
International Association for the Study of Pain
International Headache Society
Migraine (Mayo Clinic)
Migraine.com. "Real voices. Expert opinions". A very professional blog, e.g. "Top 10 Myths About Migraine."
Migraine Action. A UK based charity.
Migraine Investigator
Migraine Research Foundation. Dedicated to ending debilitating pain.
Migraine Research Foundation. (on Facebook)
Migraines and Menopause Symptoms
Migraines & Headaches Health Center
Migraine Survival
Migraine Symptoms
Migrainetalk. A forum for those who suffer from migraine. Their Useful links to other Migraine Sites.
My Chronic Migraine.
National Headache Foundation. The world's largest voluntary organization for the support of individuals with headaches.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: What is Migraine
National Migraine Centre UK
National Pain Report
Robbins Headache Clinic
Surviving Chronic Pain
The Migraine Revolution
The Migraine Trust UK. The health and medical research charity for migraine in the United Kingdom.
Treatment and Drugs (Mayo Clinic)
World Health Organization on Headache Disorders.
You Know You Have a Chronic Illness When ...
Brainless Blogger. Written by a chronic migraine sufferer.
Chronic Migraine Warrior. The personal journey of a chronic migraineur.
Elizabeth Swenson's Migraine Support Blog
Fighting Headache Disorders. Not just a good blog. Lots of other links, too.
Letters to Educate Others w. Family Migraine Letter in PDF Format
Living With Chronic Migraines. A list of migraine groups on facebook.
Migraine Monologues
Mind Splitters and other Migraine Fun. A great blog by a lady who knows a lot about this subject.
Migraine: Living in Pain. Another sufferer reports.
Spreading Awareness about Chronic Migraines. Blog by a fellow sufferer.
That M Word: A Migraine Blog
The Daily Headache
The Migraineur's Companion. Thoughts on living with chronic migraine.
3 Big Questions on Migraine Preventive Medications
5 Reasons a Migraine is not "Just a Headache"
5 Types of Headaches
10 Things I Want to Share About Migraines
12 things you should never, ever say to a Chronic Migraineur
18 Signs You're Having a Migraine
22 Things About Migraines You May Not Know
35 Things you should never tell a Chronic Migraine Sufferer
43 surprising headache triggers (they also trigger migraines)
A Letter to my Migraines
American Headache & Migraine Association - Much More Than a Website
An Open Letter to People Without Migraine
Are All Migraines a Genetic Mutation?
A Sleep Gene Has Surprising Role in Migraines
Brainless Blogger: Comparaitve Pain Scale Chart
Can Weather Trigger a Migraine?
Cefaly | Treatment prevention - migraines and headaches
Changes in weather mean migraine attacks for many
Diagnosing Migraine
Diet Tips for Migraine Prevention
Do You Know Your Migraine Triggers?
Epilepsy and migraine 'could have shared genentic link'
Gene search throws up four inherited clues to migraines
Genetic mutation associated with migraines
Goodbye to Migraines
Grandma's Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes
Headache from WiFi? Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Headache Types
Head Agony
Help Make Migraines Visible (ACHE)
How I Manage Living With Migraines
How to Avoid Hurtful Comments to Someone With a Headache or Migraine Disorder
How to Live With a Migraine Sufferer
How to Understand Someone With Chronic Pain
Hypoglycemia and Headaches
I Smell a Migraine
It’s not a migraine unless it is a migraine
Living With Chronic Pain - Explaining Chronic Pain
Living with Migraine Pain: 6 Things to Keep in Mind
Manage Your Food Triggers
MAPPing Migraines: Migraine Attack Plan and Pack
Massage for Migraine
Migraine and Stigma: High Impact
Migraine Can Be Life-Threatening
Migraine in Children and Young People
Migraine Headaches Pictures Slideshow: 14 Non-Drug Treatments for Migraines
Migraine Linked to Menstruation
Migraine Management: The 7 Essentials
Migraines: An Ounce of Prevention…
Migraines Linked To Genetic Regions
Migraines, not really "headaches"
Migraine study 'opens door' to research into a cure
Migraine sufferers many times deal with social stigma as well as pain
Migraines With Neck Pain
Migraine with Aura
More Than Just a Headache: Battling Migraine Stigma
Mother of Two Launches Chronic Migraine Awareness Support Site
New Device Helps Migraine Sufferers MSN News
New Migraine Treatment in a Patch
New theory on cause of migraine
Potential Migraine Phases and Symptoms
Relaxation Techniques for Migraines and Headaches
Robbins Headache Clinic Treating Anxiety
Sharing a Marvellous Blog on the Word Migraine
Sick Building Syndrome May Be Linked To Migraines
Silent Triggers
Suicide and Chronic Migraine
Symptoms and Triggers
Talking to someone with a chronic illness
The Everything Guide to Migraines
Theraspecs - Glasses that block unwanted light to provide immediate and lasting relief
The Impact of Migraine
The Magical Mythical Migraine Pill
There's nothing funny about getting a migraine
The Top Migraine Triggers
Top 10 Brain-Damagine Habits
Understanding & Explaining Chronic Pain Part 1 - The Spoon Theory
Understanding & Explaining Chronic Pain Part 2 - The Flip Flop Theory
Warning of migraine sufferers hooked by addictive painkillers
What Does a Migraine Feel Like?
What Not To Say To Someone In Chronic Pain
When Dizziness is Serious
When food is a headache: Know common triggers for migraine
When memory loss is a sign of 'painless' migraines - and high fliers are most at risk
Word of Mouth - Can dentists cure migraines?
You've got a headache, but what kind and how should you treat it?
Other Pain Articles:
Book raises alarms about alternative medicine
Down but Not Out: Depression and Migraine
Eating More Alkaline Die for Bone Health
Fibro TV - about chronical illness
Depression can be migraine's tipping point
Depression is a common occurrence in a chronic pain condition, and insomnia is quite common in depression. Do you take an antidepressant to help you sleep?
Depression and Migraine
Good Posture Helps Reduce Back Pain
Higher Rates of Migraine Headaches in People With Celiac Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
How depression feels for some people.
If You Know Someone Who's Depressed - What Depression Is Not
MedicineNet - Depression Center
New Medical Explanations for Major Depression
The effects of psychotherapy for adult depression on suicidality and hopelessness: A systematic review and meta-analysis
How to Treat Chonic Migraine Headaches
Migraine with Aura
Podcast - Migraine Step by Step
Migraine Relief Wrap
MigraLens - Helps effectively manae & soothe light sensitive migraine
These products have been recommended by some sufferers, I have not tried them.
Migraine and Art:
Help for Headache and Migraine Poetry Contest 2012
German Sites:
Deutsche Migräne- und Kopfschmerzgesellschaft e.V.
Migräne-Infoseite eines Medikamentenherstellers
Ratgeber Migräne. Informationen für Betroffene und Interessierte

I am not an expert or a in a profession that is in any way healthy related. Therefore, I do not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any information, content or advertisements contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any of the services contained on this website, nor the quality of any products, information or any other material displayed, purchased, or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement or any other information's or offer in or in connection with the services herein.
See newer posts (2023 here, 2016 here and 2014 here)
Thank you, Health Fact blogger. I have only tried to gather information on a well-known problem that many suffer from, I'm glad you think it's worth it.
ReplyDeleteThank you also for your link, I'm sure that will also prove helpful for many.
Great tips regrading Migraines. You provided the best information which helps us a lot. Thanks for sharing the wonderful information.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Cynthia.
DeleteI've written some newer posts (see at the bottom of the post) and am working on the next one. If you have anything I could add, please, let me know.