Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Alphabet Authors ~ I is for Ingalls Wilder

I found this idea on Simon's blog @ Stuck in a Book. He picks an author for each letter of the alphabet, sharing which of their books he's read, which I ones he owns, how he came across them etc.

First I thought, I wouldn't find any author with the initial I that I could use but then I remembered Laura Ingalls Wilder. I do not remember whether I read any of her books as a child. Probably not. My first recollections of Laura Ingalls and her family is from the TV series.

Ingalls Wilder, Laura "Little House Books" 1932-1971
Little House in the Big Woods (1932) (Goodreads)
Farmer Boy (1933)
Little House on the Prairie (1935)
On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937)
By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939) (Goodreads)
The Long Winter (1940)
Little Town on the Prairie (1941) (Goodreads)
These Happy Golden Years (1943) (Goodreads)
On the Way Home (1962, published posthumously) (Goodreads)
The First Four Years (1971) (Goodreads)

And then there is the book
Rylant, Cynthia "Old Town in the Green Groves: Laura Ingalls Wilder's Lost Little House Years" - 2002
This story was based on Laura's memoirs.

Facts about Laura Ingalls Wilder:
Born    February 7, 1867 in Wisconsin
February 10, 1957 in Missouri, aged 90
Married Almanzo Wilder 1885

Her life was more or less how she describe it in her books. Her parents were pioneers who moved around and settled in South Dakota. Laura first worked as a teacher until she got married and became a farmer's wife. They had two children but only her daughter Rose survived.

If you live in the United States or go there on holidays, maybe you would like to visit the Laura Ingalls Wilder House and Museum.

There is also a lovely website about her books, mainly for children.

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This is part of an ongoing series where I will write about a different author for each letter of the alphabet. You can see them all here.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite series of books! I read them over and over growing up. And I would love to go to that museum someday. :D
