Thursday, 13 March 2025

#Throwback Thursday ~ September

I've been doing Throwback Thursdays for a while but I noticed that I wrote a lot of reviews in a short time when I first started. One of my blogger friends always posts the reviews of one month but that would be too much. So, these are my reviews from September 2012.
Grass, Günter "Crabwalk" (German: Im Krebsgang) - 2002
A tough read, like anything by this author, but definitely worth it, also like everything he ever wrote.

Hartnett, Sonya "Thursday’s Child" - 2002
A book about the Great Depression in Australia, a novel about a family who struggles like any other family during the time, a story about a boy who is different, ...

Rasputin, Valentin (Распутин, Валентин Григорьевич) "Farewell to Matyora" (Russian: Прощание с Матёрой/Proschanie s Materoj) - 1976
A wonderful account of what development and progression can do to people. Matyora is a village in Siberia, a village like there are millions in this world. Or, in this case, it has been. The government decides to build a dam and float the whole area.

Spyri, Johanna "Heidi" (German: "Heidis Lehr- und Wanderjahre" and "Heidi kann brauchen, was es gelernt hat") - 1880-1881
The first book I ever owned. Heidi grows up with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps.

Tsypkin, Leonid Borissowitsch (Леонид Борисович Цыпкин) "Summer in Baden-Baden" (Russian: Ljubit Dostojewskowo - лджубит достоджэвсково) - 1981
A biographical novel about Dostoevsky's travels in Germany with this wife.

Read my original reviews, for the links click on the titles.

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