Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Top 5 Tuesday ~ Emotion

Top Five Tuesday was originally created by Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm, but is now hosted by Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads. To participate, link your post back to Meeghan’s blog or leave a comment on her weekly post. I found this on Davida's Page @ The Chocolate Lady.
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This week’s topic is a Top 5 books with an emotion in the title. Meeghan says to this: "Whether it’s happy or sad, anger or excitement, any emotion is fine!
(Looking at my shelves, I am absolutely going to regret this one later, but that’s fine too!)"

I think, no matter what genre we prefer, there are emotions in many titles. I chose some different ones: Pride, Hate, Sadness, Joy, Love. And, because it is the Jane Austen Year,  had to include one of her books.
Emcke, Carolin "Against Hate" (GE: Gegen den Hass) - 2016
Tan, Amy "The Joy Luck Club" - 1989
Tung, Debbie "Book Love" - 2005
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 Happy Reading! 

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  1. Cool theme....... It makes me wonder what books I have in my TBR with emotional titles... [muses]

    1. Probably more than you think, Kitten. I was surprised myself.

  2. That is an interesting theme, but one I think I would make me really have to look carefully at my books

    1. Oh, definitely, Teri. I love these challenges so much just because of that.
