Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Nonfiction November 2022 Week 5 New to My TBR #NonficNov

Week 5 (November 28-Dec 2): New to My TBR
with Jaymi at The OC Bookgirl

Week 5 of Non-Fiction November (see here) was a lot easier than the previous ones, just look for non-fiction books you purchased lately.


Week 5 (November 28-Dec 2) - New to My TBR: Itโ€™s been a month full of amazing nonfiction books! Which ones have made it onto your TBR? Be sure to link back to the original blogger who posted about that book! Pro tip: Start this draft post at the beginning of the month and add to it as your TBR multiplies. (Jaymi @ The OC Bookgirl)

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi "We Should All Be Feminists" - 2014
Clinton, Hillary Rodham & Chelsea "The Book of Gutsy Women: Favourite Stories of Courage and Resilience" - 2019
Gillard, Joe "The Little Book of Lost Words. Collywobbles, Snollygosters, and 86 Other Surprisingly Useful Terms Worth Resurrecting" - 2019
Greywoode, Josephine (ed.) "Why We Read" - 2022
Theroux, Paul "Riding the Iron Rooster" - 1988
Wood, Levison "Eastern Horizons. Hitchhiking the Silk Road" - 2017

I didn't think I had many new non-fiction books on my TBR pile but I found six. I think I read non-fiction books faster than others, I mean I start them quicker after I bought them. I usually have at least one on the go.


For more information on Nonfiction November check here.


  1. The Little Book of Lost Words sounds super fun. I want to read that one. And my nephew who loves words would probably love it, too. :D

    1. It does indeed. I'm really looking forward to reading it. Thanks, Lark.

  2. 'Lost Words' sounds very much like my kind of thing. I do love odd words and where they come from. My family still uses "collywobbles" but I haven't heard it spoken for a while! I did try to use lonely and unloved words @ work which caused a bit of confusion sometimes. I still can't understand the number of people who didn't know what 'winnowing' meant..... [lol]

    1. I do believe that might just be up your street, Kitten. Someone mentioned it on their blog and it reminded me of Susie Dent (of whom I have several books which I must review at some point).
      And well done to try to use lonesome words, even if not everyone appreciated it.

  3. I need to add Lost Words to my TBR! ~Carol @ Reading Ladies

    1. Good idea, Carol. Thanks for mentioning your name as the post came up as anonymous.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, Emma. And I intend to read it as one of my next non-fiction books. I'm fascinated by that part of our world. And knowing that I will never visit it, I must read a lot about it.

  5. A nice assortment! How do you create the tile with the six books?

    1. Thanks, Constance, I am interested in many different topics and try to read about them all. LOL.

      I have a program called XnView, I can create horizontal and vertical strips of images. So, I first do a horizontal one with the first three books, then another one with the last three and then a vertical one with the two strips. It sounds more complicated than it is. If you don't have that program, I'm sure yours will offer similar works. I had been looking for a nice program with collages, I used to have one but that was discontinued. And then I noticed I had this right on my PC.

      I find that blogger doesn't make it easy to put several pictures in a post exactly where you want them, so this is a good alternative.

      I hope this helps you and you will be able to find something similar.

  6. I read The Iron Rooster Last Year, although I have had it since the 80s I think. It was very interesting.

    1. I had never read anything by Paul Theroux, I'm more familiar with his son's work on television but a member of the book club had sorted it out and I thought, I'll give him a try. Thanks, Lisbeth.

  7. I somehow missed out on Lost Words, but that one's also going on my TBR pile. Thank you so much for participating this year!

    1. Thanks you, Christopher. I thought I might have seen it on your page but it looks like I didn't. LOL. I will report once I've read it but it looks very promising.
