Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Top 5 Tuesday ~ Sporty Books

Top Five Tuesday was originally created by Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm, but is now hosted by Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads. To participate, link your post back to Meeghan’s blog or leave a comment on her weekly post. I found this on Davida's Page @ The Chocolate Lady.

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This week’s topic is Sporty Books. Meeghan says: "Have I been trying to wrangle a sports romance sub-category somehow? I’ll never tell. However, someone made up a National Tennis Month holiday, and I have taken it and run. A fictional mile."

I'm not a great sports fan. I watch the Olympics, though I prefer winter over summer. Still, I managed to find a few books that deal with sports.
Brown, Daniel James "The Boys in the Boat" - 2013
🚣 Rowing 🚣
Chabon, Michael "Summerland" - 2002
⚾ Baseball ⚾

Gurnah, Abdulrazak "Pilgrims Way" - 1988
🏏 Cricket 🏏

Hyde, Catherine Ryan "When I found you" - 2009
🥊 Boxing 🥊

Oates, Joyce Carol
"Sexy" - 2015
🏊‍♀️ Swimming 🏊‍♀️

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🏅Happy Reading!🏅
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  1. Wow, I've not seen a rowing books yet, so this is grand! 🚣‍♂️

    1. It was a book club book, Meeghan, great story about a fabulous team, the US rowers of 1936. They came from the lower classes and beat the Nazi's great hope. Brilliant book.

  2. This is a category I very rarely read about, or even ever??

    1. Funnily enough, Emma, they were all either book club books, a book recommended and lent to me by a friend, a Nobel prize winner who I never heard of before and then, of course, JCO, one of my absolute favourite authors. I chose none of them because they were about sports. LOL

  3. I still need to read The Boys in the Boat. (And then I want to see the movie of it.)

    1. I think we talked about the film once, Lark. Might have been you who made me aware of it. I haven't seen it, yet, either. Thanks.

  4. I love sports so much. I love both Olympics, but my most fave is summer because of gymnastics and swimming.

    1. I think we talked about this before. I have a very bad scoliosis and am not able to bend very easily. My teachers told me I was lazy and didn't even try to let me gain any joy with their subject.
      I love to watch certain sports, I prefer the winter ones, for some reason or other.
