Friday 21 May 2021

Book Quotes of the Week

"What does reading mean to me? For me it is like breathing, so vital, so basal, a necessity I cannot live without. Reading is my comfort and my retreat. Without reading I can exist, but I cannot thrive." Neena H. Brar

Yes, no life without reading.

"I enjoy sharing my books as I do my friends, asking only that you treat them well and see them safely home." Ernest Morgan

Exactly. I am more than happy to share a book, it's like sharing your soul. 

"Read good authors, that you may know what English is. You will find it to be a language very rarely written nowadays and yet the grandest of all human tongues." C.H. Spurgeon

I always recommend reading books in other languages because it helps so much with improving them.

Find more book quotes here.

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