Friday, 11 February 2022

Book Quotes of the Week


"The best weapon is to sit down and talk." Nelson Mandela

True, people should always sit down and talk more to each other. And try to understand them.

"Gossip is living history. History is petrified gossip." A.O. Scott

Haha, I love history, I hate gossip, where do I stand now?

"What’s the point of having a voice if you’re gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn’t be?" Angie Thomas
"The Hate U Give"

Oh, it's definitely important to speak your mind if it needs to be said. This quote made me think about the Martin Niemöller speach: "First they came for the socialists, ..." Yes, we need to speak up for the right things.

Find more book quotes here.


  1. 'The Hate You Give' is on my Must Read List for this year.

    1. It certainly sounds interesting, looking forward to your review.

  2. That Nelson Mandela quote is perfect and to the point, isn't it?

    1. He was one of the wisest men that over lived, don't you agree, Lark?

    2. Definitely! He's up there with Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama as people I truly admire.

    3. That is a great list of wonderful people, Lark.

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