"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish".
It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.
Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.
This week's topic is
Top Ten … ehm … Eleven New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2020
(If you didn’t read 10 new authors, that’s fine! Just do what you can.)
I read many new authors in 2020 but these are the ones that stuck most and where I would love to read more. Some of them have only written one, so far, I'm hoping they will carry on. Others, where I had the chance, I've already read more than one in that year, I guess it shows how much I loved their books.

New author (for me) that I would like to read more from: 11
Cathleen Booth, Erika Fatland, Maxim Gorky (Максима Горького), Shappi Khorsandi, David Malouf, Benjamin Myers, Richard Osman, Delia Owens, Ayn Rand, Helen Russell, P.G. Wodehouse
Cathleen Booth, Erika Fatland, Maxim Gorky (Максима Горького), Shappi Khorsandi, David Malouf, Benjamin Myers, Richard Osman, Delia Owens, Ayn Rand, Helen Russell, P.G. Wodehouse
Booth, Cathleen "Mercy & Grace on the Camino de Santiago" - 2020
Fatland, Erika "The Border: A Journey Around Russia Through North Korea, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, and the Northeast Passage" (Norwegian: Grensen: En reise rundt Russland gjennom Nord-Korea, Kina, Mongolia, Kasakhstan, Aserbajdsjan, Georgia, Ukraina, Hviterussland, Litauen, Polen, Latvia, Estland, Finland og Norge samt Nordøstpassasjen) - 2017
- "Sovietistan: Travels in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan" (Norwegian: Sovjetistan. En reise gjennom Turkmenistan, Kasakhstan, Tadsjikistan, Kirgisistan og Usbekistan) - 2014
Gorky, Maxim (Максима Горького) "Mother" (Russian: Мать/Matj) - 1906/07
Khorsandi, Shappi "A Beginner's Guide to Acting English" - 2009
Malouf, David "Fly Away Peter" - 1979
Myers, Benjamin "The Offing" - 2019
Osman, Richard "The Thursday Murder Club" - 2020
Owens, Delia "Where the Crawdads Sing" - 2018
Rand, Ayn "We the Living" - 1936
Russell, Helen "The Year of Living Danishly: My Twelve Months Unearthing the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country" - 2015
Wodehouse, P.G. "Ring for Jeeves" (US Title: The Return of Jeeves) - 1953
- "Right Ho, Jeeves" - 1934
- "The Code of the Woosters" (Jeeves #7) - 1938
I'm glad you found some new authors that you'd like to read more of! I hope you can stop by:
But of course, I will, Colletta. Thanks for leaving the link, makes it so much easier.
DeleteI'm always curious as to what others read and there is usually something that I might pick up, then, as well.
Will hop over now! Thanks for your visit.
I’m glad you found so many enjoyable new authors last year.
ReplyDeleteMy post.
So am I, Lydia. There are so many great authors out there that I didn't get to meet. Yet. I am sure there are a few you would enjoy, too. My favourite was "The Offing".
DeleteThanks for your visit and the link which probably won't work but I'll find it anyway.
Welcome to the world of Ayn Rand. I hope you enjoyed her. xD She's such a divisive author, and it seems like you either love or hate her, no in between. I personally love her work!
ReplyDeleteI still really need to read Where the Crawdads Sing, since I've heard it's fantastic!
Here's my TTT post.
I enjoyed her a lot. Have you read any other books by her? which one would you recommend next?
DeleteI loved "Where the Crawdads Sing", well, it wouldn't be on the list if I didn't, right? Anyway, a lot of peole complain about all the hype about it but it's definitely worth it.
Thanks for visiting and leaving your link. See you on your page.
Nice! I haven't read most of these authors. I did read a Rand book - ATLAS SHRUGGED? - in college, but I did not enjoy it so I haven't gone back to her. The THURSDAY MURDER CLUB is one I definitely want to get to this year.
ReplyDeleteHappy TTT!
Well, Susan, those authors were all new to me, as well. I'm sure you'll like "The Thursday Murder Club" and certainly also "The Offing".
DeleteMaybe you would like "Atlas Shrugged" now but if you're not much into Russian literature, I'd leave it. There are so many books to enjoy, not enough time for everything.
Thanks for your visit.
Super list! I love finding new nonfiction to enjoy. Sovietistan and the Border are both going on my list-thanks. I enjoyed The Year of Living Danishly and have read the books by Meik WIking which are an excellent accompaniment to it.
ReplyDeleteLisa at https://hopewellslibraryoflife.wordpress.com/2021/01/26/top-ten-tuesday-new-to-me-authors-i-read-in-2020/
Thanks, Lisa. I'm happy I could help. I'm sure you'll like Erika Fatland's books if you liked "The Year of Living Danishly". Not as funny but that's not necessarily the purpose of those books. I have seen books by Meik Wiking but not read any, so will have to put them on my list. Thanks for that.
DeleteAnd thank you both for your visit and your link. I'll see you there.
Everyone I know who has read Where the Crawdads Sing has raved about it! One of these days I'll get to it.
ReplyDeleteHere is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
Thanks, Aymee. I only saw one post somewhere the other day by someone who read "Where the Crawdads Sing" and didn't like it. Guess there's always one. In any case, if you get to it, enjoy!
DeleteThanks for visiting and leaving a link, I'll come by soon.
I have not read any of these, but I enjoyed seeing your post. Here is my post-https://paigesofbook.blogspot.com/2021/01/top-ten-tuesday-new-to-me-authors-i.html.
ReplyDeleteI've seen many authors in this challenge that I hadn't heard about, that's the beauty of TTT. Maybe you'll find something among them.
DeleteThank you so much for your visit and your link. I'll visit you soon.
May I assume that your name is Paige?
Not familiar with any of these, so many books so little time, am I right? Happy reading! https://readwithstefani.com/popular-books-i-did-not-finish/
ReplyDeleteSo true, Stefani. We all read a lot and still there are authors there that others read and loved that we've never heard of, I feel the same with other lists.
DeleteIf you want a recommendation, "The Offing" was my favourite.
Thanks for visiting and leaving a link. See you over there.
Delia Owens was new to me this year, too.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Deanna. She was new to many, I guess. And what a wonderful book she wrote.
DeleteThanks for your comment and your visit.
The only one I’ve read is Delia Owens!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Carol. I think her book was one of the most read last year, so I'm not surprised that we both read it.
DeleteAlways lovely to hear from you. Thanks for visiting.
Nice list of authors!! Glad you enjoyed reading so many new ones.
ReplyDeleteThanks, from one captivated reader to another.
DeleteI know you also read the "Crawdads", so we had at least one new author in common.
As always, thank you for your visit.
Most of these would be new to me authors, too, but I love that you've been reading some Wodehouse. One of my favorites!
ReplyDeleteThanks Christopher, I always heard Stephen Fry refering to P.G. Wodehouse but somehow never got to reading him. Then an American friend said I must read a book by him and recommended "Right Ho, Jeeves". As you can tell, I absolutely loved it because I read two more books by him in the same year. And I have another collection on my TBR pile. I think I will enjoy his books for a long time to come.
DeleteThanks for your comment and visit.
Discovering a new author one loves is so exciting!
ReplyDeleteFor sure. It's great if it's a new one you discover right at the beginning of their writing career but even better if you read a classic author for the first time and have loads of books to read from him or her. Like P.G. Wodehouse for me last year.
DeleteI hope you also found a few new ones last year.