Apparently, when the Classics Club came into being. A monthly meme was devised to bring clubbers together to chat about classics. New questions were posted from 2012 to 2016 and then again in 2018 to give clubbers an opportunity to talk about literature together. You could write a blog post and leave the link or simply put your thoughts in the comments.
Now, they have revived that idea and the first meme for this month is:
Which classic author have you read more than one, but not all, of their books and which of their other books would you want to read in the future?
This is an easy one for me. The author would be Charles Dickens. I really like him but haven’t read enough of his novels, yet.

- "A Christmas Carol"
- "Bleak House
- "David Copperfield"
- "Great Expectations"
- "Hard Times"
- "Little Dorrit"
- "Oliver Twist"
- "A Tale of Two Cities"
- "The Pickwick Papers"
Ideally, I want to read all of his books but these would be on my list for "next":
- "Barnaby Rudge"
- "Dombey and Son"
- "Edwin Drood"
- "Martin Chuzzlewit"
- "Nicholas Nickleby"
- "The Old Curiosity Shop"
- "Our Mutual Friend"
Here is a link to the questions that have been asked so far.
I still have many unread books from Charles Dickens on my lists. I think I will read A Tale of Two Cities next. Maybe in August.
ReplyDeleteI definitely recommend it, as I said on my post about that book. Still love David Copperfield best but A Tale of Two Cities probably comes a close second.
ReplyDeleteMy next one will be The Old Curiosity Shop.
As always, happy Reading.
I've only read 4 Dickens so far - so a long way behind you. Although I have seen movie and TV adaptations of several more. I will have to live to be a 120 to read my way through my current stack of TBR's though!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou and me both, Brona, you and me both. I love reading classics, so the list of classic books on my TBR isn't as high as that of others but I did come up with about fifty. LOL
DeleteMaybe Jorge Louis Borges is right and Paradise will be a kind of library. Then we can carry on reading.