Monday, 28 March 2022

The 1954 Club

This book challenge takes place twice a year and concentrates on one year and one year only. I call it "Read the Year Club". This time, 1954 was picked. For more information, see Simon @ Stuck in a Book.

It takes place from 18 to 24 April. My pick is "Under Milk Wood" by Dylan Thomas.

If you would like to participate, it's still time to make up your mind.


  1. Replies
    1. But of course, Simon. I love this challenge and don't think it can be promoted enough. Thanks for doing it!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sarah. It's easy to find them, there are so many great bloggers and one of them will have shared it and then you have it, as well. And it's not a challenge where you have to read a new book every month, only twice a year. I think that's great.
